Lismore Foot Pain Treatment – Balanced Bodies Osteopathy

Approximately 40% of the population will suffer with foot pain at some stage in their life. This can be extremely debilitating and can sometimes be due to inflammation at the calcaneus, also known as the heel. This is often due to the constant tugging on the attachment site of the sinew, which is a strong band stretching across the sole of the foot, just below the surface of the skin. This band is also known as the ‘plantar fascia’ and when inflamed, is often referred to as ‘plantar fasciitis’.

lismore foot pain, lismore osteopathy

Plantar fasciitis is commonly caused by poor arch support, where by the arch begins to collapse, placing the plantar fascia under a substantial amount of strain. This often calls upon other muscles of the foot and lower leg to increase load and stability, with a not so surprising result of increased joint restriction, muscular tension, and pain in the lower leg and foot.

At times, this condition can lead to a sharp spur formation at the exact site of traction. This spur has the ability to protrude through the surrounding tissues, though the pain one may experience is often due to plantar fasciitis rather than the heel spur itself.

Our feet are composed of a series of small bones, which are known as the tarsal bones. These tarsal bones form an arch which is then supported by the plantar fascia. When this arch begins to collapse, it can often become so painful that intervention is required, and this may require an arch support to decrease the stress on the plantar fascia.

During your consultation with an osteopath, he or she will generally complete a screening process before the treatment takes place. This can often times identify areas of weakness or instability, which may in time cause further issues to develop throughout the body. Therefore he or she may feel inclined to offer you advise on appropriate footwear, and may also provide you with exercises to increase the range of motion within the joints of the foot, as well as stretches to increase flexibility within the muscles of the lower leg and foot.

If you are one of the many suffering from prolonged foot pain, do not hesitate to pick up the phone and give your local osteopath a call.

Until next time….

Dr Leah Dwyer

(Osteopath-Balanced Bodies Osteopathy-Lismore)